
Club 231 | Rome


December, 3rd 2024

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Opening session / Welcome

What’s up on 231 world?

“Data Protection and Labour Law: common features and risk profiles”

Coffee break

Guest speaker




Carlo Alberto Marchi – Senior Partner

Stefano Putinati – Partner

Laura Vacchiano – Senior Counsel

Angelo Pandolfo – Partner

Roberto Munno – Partner

Raffaele Romano – Senior Counsel 

Shirin Caba – Senior Counsel

Event proceedings

The fourth Club 231 | Milan meeting was held at the FNM headquarters and the main topic discussed was the Artificial Intelligence, with regard to compliance profiles for companies and the impact on the internal control system.

‘Artificial Intelligence – the reference legislation and the latest news’ was the title of the speech delivered by Prof. Avv. Tiziano Treu and Avv. Francesca Gravili.

A round table was then held on the topic of integrated risk management and the application of the COSO ERM Framework to Artificial Intelligence.

Finally, regulatory and jurisprudential novelties were discussed, as well as best practices on the subject of 231.



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