

Associate – Litigation & Arbitration

Anna is specialised in litigation and ADR since 2011, assisting and representing clients (individuals and companies) in judicial phases, particularly in relation to dispute resolution involving civil, commercial and corporate law.

Over the years, she has gained a significant experience in dealing with pre-litigation strategies and disputes in damage compensation matters and contractual liability.

She also has accrued expertise by assisting companies in debt restructuring procedures with the assistance of an appointed third-party expert in order to facilitate the negotiations with creditors.

She received her Law Degree (J.D.) from Università degli Studi di Torino in 2011 and joined the Turin Bar Association in 2014.

Proudly member of civil commitee of the Turin Bar Association for which she organizes conferences and training events focused on
bankruptcy law, concerning, in particular, pre-insolvency and insolvency proceedings.


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