

Partner – Tax Disputes, Tax Disputes Resolution 

WST_Giuseppe Zizzo

Giuseppe has an extensive expertise and in-depth knowledge of the many areas of tax law.

He is full professor of tax law at the Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC, where, from 2012 to 2015, he was the Dean of the Law School. He is a lawyer, registered with the Milan Bar Association since 1990 and on the Special Register of Court of Cassation lawyers since 2003. In 2018 Giuseppe won the Toplegal Award as best Court of Cassation lawyer of the year. 

His main focus is advising on corporate tax and company restructuring operations and providing assistance during tax audits and in tax disputes. His clients are mainly companies belonging to Italian and multinational groups operating in a range of sectors, including industrial, energy, transport, banking and insurance.

Giuseppe is a member of the editorial board of Rassegna Tributaria and of Rivista di diritto tributario, two of the most prominent academic reviews in the field of tax law.

He is also member of the scientific committee of Corriere Tributario and of the editorial board of the academic series L’Ordinamento tributario italiano.

He is President of the National Association of Tax Experts (ANTI) Lombardy section.

Giuseppe has published three books, many articles in professional and academic journals, essays in collective works, encyclopaedic entries and case notes mainly discussing corporate tax, company reorganisations and tax avoidance.


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